From April 8 to May 22, 2016, Centre MATERIA is presenting a collective exhibition gathering together ten multidisciplinary artists under the curation of Nathalie Racicot. April 8 also marks the opening of the 6th edition of the Arbres d’avril exhibition held by the Maison des métiers d’art de Québec (MMAQ) in the jardin de Saint-Roch. Join us at 4:30 p.m. on April 8 for two openings with inspiring artists in attendance.
Starting at 4:30 p.m., you can have tea and walk around the jardin de Saint-Roch to admire creations by the artists of the Arbres d’avril exhibition: Catherine Cusson, Élise Dubé, Lucie Perron, and Mimi Traillette. You will also see a collective work created under the supervision of artist Sabine Voisard in collaboration with new immigrants and locals.
At 5 p.m. in MATERIA’s gallery, Sabine Voisard will present Arbres d’avril. Afterwards, curator Nathalie Racicot will introduce you to the exhibition RÉcréation. La matière en jeu, which shows creation as a recreation (recess), a space-time of freedom, a bounce of the mind as the artist is engaging in play and invention. You will then see performances-demonstrations executed by Tony Bloom, Yann Farley and Nicola Mainville on their works.
Centre MATERIA is proud to pursue its mission by showcasing in Québec City the work of innovating artists such as Tony Bloom, Ludovic Boney, Nicole Bourgault, Yann Farley, Mathieu Fecteau, Laurent Gagnon, Nicola Mainville, Pierre&Marie, Olivier Roberge, and Viatour-Berthiaume.
Nathalie Racicot is a graduate in visual arts and graphic design. Along the years, artistic, museum and heritage organizations have become the core of her clientele. Among them, MATERIA, the Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec, the Ville de Québec, the Université Laval, Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec and Manif d’art.
MATERIA is an artist-run centre whose mission is to disseminate and promote research and creation in the field of contemporary fine crafts, on a national and international level.
The MMAQ’s mission is to offer high-level training in ceramics, sculpture and textile, to young and adult clienteles, for both professional and leisure learners. It also offers an interdisciplinary space for exchange, support, research, creation and dissemination in fine crafts.